9, మార్చి 2023, గురువారం

A few similarities between Joseph and Jesus

 A few similarities between Joseph and Jesus 

A few similarities between Joseph and Jesus - this does not show that they are equal but Jesus is greater than Joseph but to show the beauty of the scripture and God’s intervention.


1.    Joseph and Jesus, both were greatly loved by their fathers (Gen 37:3; Matthew 3:17)

2.    Both were sent by their fathers to take care of the sheep, the family (Gen 37:2; John 10: 11,27) (Genesis 37:13, 14; Hebrews 2:11).

3.    Both were hated and rejected by their own   (Genesis 37:4, 19-20; John 1:11; 7:5).

4.    Both were sold for silver coins (Genesis 37:28; Matthew 26:15).

5.    Both were taken to Egypt (Genesis 37:25; Matthew 2:14, 15).

6.    Both were falsely accused and condemned (Genesis 39:13-20; Matthew 26:57-68; 27:11-25).

7.    Both were tempted and did not give into temptation. Jesus never sinned  (Genesis 39:7-12; Matthew 4:1); (Hebrews 4:15).

8.    Both were stripped of their robes, Joseph was thrown into a pit and Jesus was condemned to the cross. (Genesis 37:23,24; Matthew 27:27-28,John 19:23).

9.    Both forgave those who plotted against them (Genesis 45:1-15; Luke 23:34).

10. Both provided for the people in need, not only his family but for many nations in famine. But Jesus saved the whole of humanity, total salvation.(Genesis 45:7; 50:20; Matthew 1:21; Luke 24; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11). (Genesis 41:57) (Matthew 28:19).

11. God used their worse situations for the good of others, they became the cornerstone, a life of servanthood. (Genesis 50:20; 1 Corinthians 2:7-9).


There are many other similarities that we find between Joseph and Jesus. This shows that as St. Augustine tells “The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New”. Both the Old Testament and New Testament correspond.  



Friday of the Second Week of Lent


Friday of the Second Week of Lent


Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a

Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46


The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New - St. Augustine

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?” (Psalm 118:


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, the readings explain how from a rejection one can be transformed into Cornerstone with the grace of God.

In the first reading, we hear about the story of Joseph being sold. Being the last child He was loved by his Father Jacob and God gifted him with the wisdom to interpret dreams. On account of these, He was hated and rejected by his brothers. First they wanted to kill him but later decided to sell as a slave to Egypt, perhaps they might have heard about the Cain and Abel story. However, God turned his adverse condition into a great blessing. He was raised to the position of chief minister in Pharaoh's court and the Cornerstone in the time of famine for Israelites and many other nations in their dire need. This story of Joseph has many parallels to the life of Jesus and especially today’s Gospel.

In the Gospel, we hear about the parable of the vineyard. We can consider today’s Gospel as a summary of the Gospel.  

     The owner of Vineyard is obviously God

     The vineyard, the people of God.

     The tenants represent the elders and leaders who are caretakers of the vineyard.

     The Servants sent by God represent Prophets,other messengers and faithful, who were beaten, stoned and killed.

     Finally, God sent his beloved Son, assuming that they would respect and listen but the tenants had different plans, they wanted to kill and take complete ownership of the vineyard. In Fact they kill the son, but are unable to take it. Because the owner brings them to their wretched end.

     And it was leased to new tenants, who would believe Jesus, son of God, the saviour.

Jesus was rejected and killed became the cornerstone. After he was rejected and crucified He became the saviour of all humankind through his death and resurrection.

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, reflecting on the story of Joseph and the Parable of the Day during this time of lent remind us that:

1.    God can bring forth good outcomes even amidst evil or bad situations/circumstances. Let us not worry about our current situation but offer it to the lord, he will transform it for a better outcome.

2.    No one should be rejected on the basis of their situation but to cooperate with the grace of God to make one another better individuals and family and community.











Thursday of the Second Week of Lent

Jeremiah 17:5-10

Luke 16:19-31


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, today we reflect on the topic of Trust. It is defined as a firm belief in the truth and ability of someone. Trust is built on relationships. So Trust is that it must be earned and learned, it must be earned by the other person through his words and deeds and it is also learned over the years, does not occur instantly. As children we trust our parents, as we grow we learn to trust in others and sometimes we misplace it too because to be honest others can let us down intentionally or unintentionally.

The readings provide us with in depth explanation and instructs us to be careful.  Prophet Jeremiah makes a distinction between two kinds of people, on one hand

A person who solely puts his trust in others, his strength, and keeps God away. It is not wrong to trust others and our strength but not at the cost of ignoring God. he is a kind of person who immerses himself with material goods, overly self reliant, self confident on his strength and feels entitled and too much trust on others might lead to excuses, taking advantage of others.

When there is this kind of unchecked trust, as the prophet Jeremiah tells “ He is like a barren bush, there is no life and prosperity; empty and void. His life is measured by what he possesses, not what he is in relation to himself, others and God. it may even lead to unfaithfulness, dishonesty, and personal injury.

On the other hand,  the second person is one who trusts and hopes in the Lord.  “He is like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It fears not the heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still bears fruit”.

We know God is loving and faithful, his message and promises are very clear. Therefore those who trust in God are not abandoned. Since he is in touch with the Lord and fixes his focus on God, come what may there is nothing to be afraid or distressed. He is not shaken by any situation, or feeling for the source of strength and sustenance is with him. Therefore trusting him means believing, accepting his words and promises; building a relationship with God.he is blessed with protection, provision and guidance and care.

In the Gospel too, a distinction is made between two people, Rich man and Lazarus. This is a familiar story to all of us. The rich man was immersed in his riches, in his comforts and totally immersed in himself ignoring the existence of another person at his gate. His life was in his riches and his trust was in the ability of his wealth.

Whereas the poor man called Lazarus was hungry and sick, longing for scraps to fill his stomach. These are two contrasting conditions.

God became sole hope and trust to Lazarus, so after his death he received the companionship of God whereas the rich man lost the presence of God.

Dear friends, therefore let us decide which side we are on?

     Do we trust God or ignore God?

     Do we measure our life just by material wealth, status and power or measure by the riches our good relationship with God and others, a life of caring and sharing?

We live in a world of extreme individualism, consumerism and hedonism. The word of God today thus invites us to turn away from them and trust in God and Care for one another.



The Feast of Epiphany

The Feast of Epiphany  క్రీస్తు సాక్షాత్కార పండుగ యెషయా 60:1-6,ఎఫేసీ3:2-3, మత్తయి 2:1-12 ఈనాడు తల్లి శ్రీ సభ ముగ్గురు జ్ఞానులపండుగను కొనియాడ...