Jeremiah 20:10-13
John 10:31-42
Inculcating or Ignoring
The readings of the day present to us the situation of the messengers of God, the prophet and the Son of God, Jesus. And invites to withstand believing him who gave the mission will also be equipped with strength to complete the mission.
The situation of prophet Jeremiah was very frightening and anxious. The people to whom he has delivered the message of God are stubborn and corrupt. They were not ready to accept him and his message, the message of doom but it also contained hope in God. When they could no longer bear his message they started to turn against him and plotted to kill him on account of a message of judgement from God.
All that he prophesied was the message of God, but this brought insult and reproach to him, now he is attacked and denounced by all, even his close friends abandoned him. Those who are against his message are waiting for a chance, waiting for him to make some mistake, so that they can kill and get rid of him.
Despite his scary situation, he believed and trusted in God’s protection.
He believed God will come to aid the needy,
He believed that truth and justice will prevail forever, and he knows that his life has been on the path of truth and justice.
Jesus was also treated similarly by the Pharisees and scribes, constantly trying to catch him in the violation of the laws, In his healings, with regard to taxes and forgiving situations. They were desperately Trying to catch any word that goes against the law to punish him but they could not understand him thus could not accept him because of their hardness of the hearts. In addition they could not prove him wrong neither in his words nor in his works.
Today in the Gospel, the Jew picked up stones to kill him. This is not because of the good works he performed and the words that he spoke but because of what he claims to be “the Son of God”. he indeed is the Son of God, manifested in his words and works.
Jesus did not convey the message like any other pharisee or scribe but with a conviction and authority that inspired, illuminated the hearts and minds of many. Every Word that he spoke came directly from Father in heaven.
And His works too give testimony: the lord performed great works, great miracles that no one in their circle nor pharisee nor scribes could do. He healed, he calmed the disturbed ses and souls, he multiplied and he raised the dead and so on… the greatest of all these is his resurrection. Words may convince but works motivate action and decision making. Jesus asks to believe not only in promises but also in his works.
But they have repeatedly ignored his works, words, rather misunderstood him because their focus was only eliminating him because he has become troublesome for their power and authority.
Today God continues to send messages and work miraculously in different ways especially through Eucharist and in other sacraments and communities of the faithful. The message and works of God are disturbing to the people who are stubborn, who lost a sense of justice, sharing, common good ,integrity of life and relationship with God but are consumed by self interest, grudges, anger and bitterness.
Therefore, The question for our reflection is
Am I deliberately killing or ignoring the message of God?
Am I intentionally avoiding acknowledging Jesus, the son of God?
“Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words has something to judge him: the word that I spoke, it will condemn him on the last day” ( John 12:48)
“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Fr. Jayaraju Manthena OCD
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