Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent
The Lord, The Law and The Life
Dear brothers and sisters in christ jesus, the readings of the day focus on the “Law”.
In the first reading:
The people of Israel were on the verge of entering into the Promised Land. so moses as a final act of reminding the message of God, he brings to their attention to the Lord, the Law and the Life. there is no greater God than Him, for He created them, liberated and accompanied throughout their desert journey always protecting through his presence. God was always with them, through the Ark, through tabernacle, through the pillar of Cloud and Fire and also through Moses.
Generally speaking, if a society is to be considered to be great and best is usually measured by their Laws, administration and observance of those Laws. The Laws God commanded to Israel are a way of life, which enables them to be closer to God as well as enriches their life.
Two objectives of the Laws.
- Therefore he strongly instructs them to be a living witness to the way of life inscribed by the laws, that is to heed to them and apply to their lives then only it will be recognised law is fulfilled.
- And they ought to pass onto the next generation, instil the way of life to their children that they have fostered through the laws. The reason being, people usually are surrounded by many different people and laws and customs. Therefore if they do not keep up nor transmit to the next generation there is a danger of forgetting the beauty of their way of life, eventually it may perish.
Jesus Christ was the best expression of the Law, the closeness and the blessing of God. During Jesus' time, the law was seen only as an external observance and Pharisees and scribes were deemed as best exemplary in this regard. The original intention envisioned by God in regard to the Laws was in some way distorted over the years. Therefore Jesus makes it his mission to point out the obvious and steer them back to the original intention.
Everyone thought looking at how Jesus acts towards the laws, has come to abolish the law. However he makes it perfectly clear that He has not come to abolish, abrogate but to complete it, bring forth the deeper meaning assigned to the laws.
Laws include a deep sense of Love, Justice, compassion and unity. It must transcend mere external show to involve the heart and mind. Thus the purpose of the Law is to Live, let live and grow. In other words, it is the love of God and love of neighbours. The Laws of God embody moral, religious and civil force for a better way of life and identity.
Observe them carefully, for this is your wisdom and discernment in the sight of the peoples, who will hear of all these statutes and say, “This great nation is truly a wise and discerning people.” (Deuteronomy 4:6)
then the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. (Romans 7:12)
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